Canoe Kayak Saskatchewan has brought our newsletter out of hibernation and are asking for your help. We are holding a contest to encourage people to head to our website and subscribe. Could you please sign up, if you haven’t already, and encourage your members to do the same! This is also being promoted on our social media platforms and would encourage all members to ensure that they follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter if they are users, as we share lots of valuable information this way.
The registration for our newsletter can be done at We will draw for a CKS prize pack at 250, 500, 750 and 1000 subscriptions. I have attached a picture of the items included in our prize package. When we reach 1000 subscribers the prize package will include a learn to kayak lesson at the CKS member club of the winners choice, for 2, to be paid by our organization!
We really appreciate your help!
Scott Brunskill, Regina Marathon Canoe Club