Learn to Paddle

Paddlers will acquire skills that include equipment education and care, boating etiquette, body positioning and balance, boat propulsion, boat control from the bow position, paddling efficiency and introduction of the marathon canoe stroke. Participants who have attended this event  feel more fit, confident, stronger and faster when paddling!

Programming is FREE for Registered Club Members.

Programming is catered to participants of all skill levels. Recommend ages are 16 and older.

Learn more or reserve your spot by contacting the club coordinator on which weekday sessions you plan to attend.

Sessions traditionally begin the week before May long weekend and wrap up at end of June. Spaces are limited!

Learn to Stern

Paddlers will acquire skills that include understanding boat control from the stern position, understanding boat glide, introduction to reading water current, introduction to reading wind, paddling on both sides to achieve more efficient turns and introduction to boat leaning and advancement of the marathon canoe stroke along with many other topics. It is highly recommended that paddlers have successfully completed 4 sessions in the Learn to Paddle course before registering for this clinic. Participants who have attended this event  feel more capable of managing a canoe from the stern position!

Programming is FREE for Registered Club Members.

Learn more or reserve your spot by contacting the club coordinator on which weekday sessions you plan to attend! Sessions traditionally begin the week before May long weekend and wrap up at end of June. Spaces are limited!

Learn to Stern will be taught during our Learn to Paddle programming sessions.

High Intensity Interval Training Group Paddles

Paddlers will acquire advanced skills that include advanced boat propulsion techniques from the bow and stern position, improving paddling efficiency, improving paddling fitness, paddling in a group, advancement to reading water current and  wind, understanding the influence of boat waves, advancement of the marathon canoe stroke,  along with many other topics. It is highly recommended that paddlers have successfully completed the Learn to Paddle and Learn to Stern courses before registering for these clinics.

Programming includes high intensity paddlers on various waterways in Saskatchewan.

Programming is FREE for Registered Club Members.

Participants who have attended these events feel more confident attending social high-intensity fitness and competitive events!